Sequence- Zodiac
Sequence- Zodiac
It opens with an establishing shot of a city with lowkey lighting with just the lights coming from the buildings and fireworks going off. Music is playing which is calming and mellow while focusing on a bridge surrounded by water which then transitions into a view in the car going along a street and people are with fireworks suggesting they are celebrating. The person driving the car beeps the horn two times showing that they want to hurry up which introduces our first character who leans into the car using a medium shot. It shows us the person driving which is a girl who seems laid back as the guy is trying to persuade her to let him drive but he gets in and it pans as they drive away all while maintaining the same mellow music and lowkey lighting. The atmosphere changes when they pull up to the diner by it being more crowded and they lighting is a bit more bright. The diner is a really lively place and they loud talking makes it seem bubbly and the bright light are quite harsh from diner whereas in the begging it was lowkey lighting and makes it be a sudden change. It maintains a medium shot on the characters while they discuss what they are going to do. They decide to go somewhere less crowded and more quite. It pans to them pulling into a grassy area, which is very eary, and there is no one but two cars and some people in them put they drive off after a few seconds of them talking. They talk about how the guy is cold and as the other cars are leaving they throw some fireworks that pop and create loud noises which scare the two main characters in the car. The guy in the car sticks his head out the window of the car and shouts something as the cars are driving off and a tiny spark flys off the remaining fireworks the others threw. It creates an awkward tension in the car and the girl driving nervous laughs. We get a close up of the people sitting in the car which then goes into having a few back and forth shots from their faces to another car pulling up behind them. The car stays parked behind them for a few seconds then turns their lights on and leaves. The girl starts to act kind of weird and seems very worried about who that was. The car comes speeding back down towards them as they both seem pretty scared and start preparing for the person in the other car to get out and talk to them. As the other person in the car behind them is getting out the car the camera pans to the front car as the person is walking round to where the passengers side door is, where the guy is sitting. The guy who got out the car pulls out a gun as the guy sitting in the car is talking and he shoots at both people a few different times and kills them both and drive away.
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